My life didn’t always look like this…

When I look back on who I was when I started this journey it is clear that I was a bystander. I let life happen to me. I avoided the road less traveled because it was unsure, hard and scary. I found myself taking the easy way out (and blaming others for what wasn’t going well). I was OK with status quo.

One story sticks out in my mind; I was having a meeting with a financial adviser who asked me how much money I wanted to retire with and I remember thinking “what should I say so I don’t have to do any more than I am doing right now?” I shrugged and said, “what I have now is good.”

It wasn’t that I didn’t want to have a healthy retirement fund it was that I didn’t want to have to do anything differently. What if I failed? What if I was disappointed at the end of my career because I didn’t achieve the amount I had hoped for? Failure wasn’t an option, so why start? I didn’t want to let myself down and by feeling this way I inadvertently needed others to do things I wouldn’t do, be who I wouldn’t be. When that failed, I got angry. The cycle would repeat, and I would get angrier.

I grew resentful.

Here’s what changed everything, I finally heard the words “you can’t change others, you can only change yourself.”

I had heard these words many, many times before and thought I was different, that I was above this advice. When the words finally sunk in, I cried and then I made a decision. If I want a different outcome, I have 2 choices:

  1. Change my attitude toward the situation
  2. Change my situation

I decided to change my situation.

I got a full-time job which slowly gave me the confidence and the financial security to make bolder decisions, continued to educate myself in the career in which I was employed and took bold action towards improving myself at work to become Supervisor.

Once I realized I had outgrown my original career path I went back to school and became a Health and Life Coach.

Today, I am an active participant in this journey I call my life and take full responsibility for the outcome.

I am creating my destiny by forging my own path and doing the things that fulfill me. Surprisingly enough that ends up being the road less traveled, the one that can be scary or hard but invigorating.

I have started my own business, make my own hours and help provide for my family.

What is one thing you could be doing differently that you know would make a significant difference in your life?

What stops you from doing it?

If you are tired of repeating the same patterns over and over and not getting the results you want schedule a complimentary 60 minute discovery session.