Parenting Coach

Start by asking yourself, "Am I being the kind of parent that raises the child I want to have?"

Debt Elimination

Admitting to someone that you have debt is the first step to eliminating it

Healthy Eating

The right system + the right support + the right accountability = results that last!

Sandra H
Sandra H

I am so pleased to have had the opportunity to work with Krista!

Krista not only helped me to dig deep and start recognizing my habits and behaviors, but also helped me to peel back the sources of them.

The best part of doing this work is noticing the continued and ongoing beneficial changes in so many areas of my life and relationships. After doing this work I feel so much better able to support my own overall well-being and goals.

Thank you, Krista!

Erin E
Erin E

The 14 day cleanse really helped me gain a better understanding of my body’s wants and needs.

It helped me garner a nourishing relationship with food, eating when necessary and not over-indulging.

The reset it provided allowed me to discover what kind of small differences I can make within my regular diet to help me to live a brighter, clearer day to day.

Kate H
Kate H

You don’t have to wonder if Krista has done the exercises, she guides you through.

Slowly, but surely, she asks you to start a process that will bring you closer to your goal. Her approach is action-oriented.

It wouldn’t occur to me to climb Kilimanjaro without a guide and I’m glad Krista’s been with me every step of the way.

Jennifer S
Jennifer S

I made a snap decision to do Hindsight’s Break up with Sugar course. It has unexpectedly changed my life.

Krista took all the information I had floating around my brain concerning health and diet and solidified what was the obvious choice. Her method made so much sense, it was actually quite easy to slip into a healthy routine without any stress. It was a relief and fun to do.

Thank you Krista, for a wonderful, positive and empowering class.

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